Melissa in the Morning: Anger Management

Angry swearing emoji. Emoticon with swear words censored by grawlix symbols

Melissa in the Morning: Anger Management

Let’s be honest, there’s A LOT to be mad about in today’s world. When you see what’s happening from unrest on college campuses, the division our country is feeling politically, even the way people treat each other at work, in schools or in public. It’s easy to get triggered and react. According to national data, about 1 in 5 people report experiencing an anger problem or having difficulty controlling their anger. Specifically for young people – 64% of people (14-21) experience uncontrolled anger. How do we identify if our anger is out of control? How do we begin to address it in a healthy way and diffuse situations before they get out of hand? Counselor Julius Dudics shares some advice.

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