Melissa in the Morning: Troubling Section 27

A blackboard with chalk written political party choices, including republican, democrats and independents. Includes check boxes left empty for designers to use as needed.

Melissa in the Morning: Troubling Section 27

As you know, during the legislative session there are hundreds of bills being debated in Hartford. And one bill seems to tackle elections in the state. House Bill 5498 reportedly tackles surveillance at absentee ballot dropboxes, modifications to absentee ballot data and even absentee ballot reforms. However, we were alerted to a controversial section of the bill that would bar the Independent Party from using the word independent and force the party to rebrand itself. What exactly does that mean for our future ballots if this passes and why would this even be proposed? We got perspective from our legal expert, Attorney Bill Bloss, who says this is deeply troubling to every Connecticut voter if the bill gets the greenlight with this section.  

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