Melissa In The Morning: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Melissa In The Morning: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

There is no such thin as tick season because ticks are around all year long in Connecticut. New health studies show that there is a strong connection between lyme disease and mental health issues. We spoke with Jessica Snajder of Partner in Lyme, Inc. about these findings and what we can do to bridge the gap between tick borne illnesses and mental health issues. (0:00)

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. According to national statistics, 1 in 3 U.S. teens will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a relationship with before becoming adults. We spoke with Gary MacNamara of Sacred Heart University about promoting healthy relationships and recognizing bad behavior early on. (10:19)

It is Black History Month and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities shared resources available for us to educate ourselves on black history but also events happening all month long to learn more. (23:12)

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