Melissa In The Morning: Jim Himes On Israel

Melissa In The Morning: Jim Himes On Israel

Counterfeiting is a long-time norm when it comes to the marijuana industry. But that problem has hit a new high since weed became legal in Connecticut. Attorney General William Tong shared the latest on bootleg cannabis products and how his office is combatting the problem. (0:00)

Congressman Jim Himes is back! We did a catch-up on the issues surrounding the border and talked about the war between Israel and Hamas. WARNING: Congressman Himes revealed details of a gruesome 43-minute video he watched involving Hamas during their terrorist attack back in October. (12:47)

A Fairfield horse farm helps children from different walks of life, from anxiety and depression to autism and cerebral palsy. And now, the non-profit and farm needs your help! Doreen Caruso of Hope River Farm shares the mission of her organization and why you should check out Festival of Lights this month. (31:36).

Image Credit: Reuters