Melissa In The Morning: Another Shooting In Vermont

Police search a house in the neighbourhood after a gunman shot and wounded three college students of Palestinian descent in Burlington, Vermont, U.S. November 25, 2023 in a still image from video. Courtesy Wayne Savage via REUTERS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT

Melissa In The Morning: Another Shooting In Vermont

One of the three Palestinian American students who were shot in a possible hate crime in Vermont is a student at Trinity College in Hartford. We spoke about the crime in one of the safest cities in the country with the top television news station in Vermont. Dom Amato, Assistant News Director with WCAX-TV, shared reaction from the state and the latest on the investigation. (0:00)

November 30th is Native American Equal Pay Day. But why the focus on Native American women specifically? And what, if anything, is Connecticut doing to address the disparity? We spoke with Spencer Hill from the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities about it. (9:35)

Tomorrow, Connecticut lawmakers will decide whether to ban gas-powered vehicles by the year 2035 in our state. It’s a controversial proposal prompting more questions than answers. Chris Herb with the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association weighed in on the conversation. (22:45)

Crime on the Mind : Shopping safety 101. Whether it’s in person or online, crime prevention expert, Jim Perez, shares how to avoid being a target of theft during the shopping frenzy season. (37:36).

Image Credit: Reuters