Melissa In The Morning: Reaction To The Judge’s Decision From Both Sides

Melissa In The Morning: Reaction To The Judge’s Decision From Both Sides

A judge has ordered a new Democratic primary for mayor in Bridgeport because of absentee ballot fraud. And we are just days away from the general election with all eyes on the Park City. We spoke with John Gomes’ attorney, Bill Bloss, about the judge’s decision and how the general election will now work for voters. (0:00)

We got both sides of the reactions to the judge’s decision to redo the primary election if John Gomes loses on November 7th. Incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim shared his concern for voter turnout, especially if a new primary is needed. He also talked about whether absentee ballot fraud is a continuous problem in his city. (14:55)

We tackled a lot of education stories on the show today including teachers wanting to retire early, Bridgeport worried about dropping kindergarten enrollment and day care options in the state. Fran Rabinowitz, executive director of the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendent, spoke on all of it. (31:33)