Melissa In The Morning: One Year Later In Bristol

Blue and black ribbon awareness Ocular Melanoma, Police Officers Lost in the Line of Duty. Isolated on white background. Vector illustration.

Melissa In The Morning: One Year Later In Bristol

Today marks the one-year anniversary of losing Lt. Dustin Demonte and Sgt. Alex Hamzy after an ambush attack. We learned about the CT Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation and its work honoring the fallen in our state. We spoke with retired Watertown Police Chief, John Gavallas, who is also the Chairman of the foundation’s board of directors. (0:00)

An unexpected tragedy happened on a Connecticut high school football field. A 15-year-old player became unresponsive at practice and died later that day. Glenn Lungarini of the CIAC responds to the incident and reiterated the state’s focus on student athlete safety. (13:45)

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 20% of people with disabilities, including those with autism, are employed in the US. During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we highlighted a new Autism Speaks program meant to help people with autism find employment and encourage employers to hire people on the spectrum. President and CEO of Autism Speaks, Keith Wargo, explained the issue at hand and what the new program will do to help. (25:13)

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