Melissa In The Morning: Making The Grade

Close up of an old school report card from an elementary grade.

Melissa In The Morning: Making The Grade

Families want to know that when they drop kids off at school in the morning, that the children will return home at the end of the day. We talked about resource officers at schools as well as building safety tools with Westport Police Chief Foti Koskinas. It comes after Westport recently added three more officers to the school security beat in the district. (0:00)

Unsportsmanlike conduct is becoming far too normal for student athletes, coaches and fans. Recently, North Haven High School had to forfeit its first football game due to bad behavior in school. Masuk High School’s two head football coaches are on leave pending an investigation into complaints against them. Glenn Lungarini of the CIAC talked about the issues we are seeing on and off the field and how the state is responding. (13:28)

Weapons, drugs, bullying, social media, you name it…teenagers today are exposed to it and most times, involved in it in some way. So, how do we bridge the conversation gap between parents and their kids? We got perspective from Bethel Superintendent of Schools, Christine Carver. (25:18)

The first full week of school in September was plagued with early dismissals for many districts in Connecticut because of hot weather. With many old buildings that have no air conditioning units, taxpayers want to know where their school dollars are going? We talked to Fran Rabinowitz about school building conditions and if the state is figuring out how to improve the problem before next school year. (39:48)

Connecticut is still dealing with a bus driver shortage. It comes as we see a couple bus companies in the state starting off the school year with a strike. We spoke with Durham Bus Company about the issue with retaining and gaining drivers. We also got perspective from them about avoiding a union strike. (53:33)

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