Melissa In The Morning: One New Message

Multicultural group of young people men and women looking shocked at mobile phone

Melissa In The Morning: One New Message

  1. With crime on the rise in Connecticut news, cities are debating taking law enforcement into their own hands. Hartford announced last month that a group of gunowners want to bring back neighborhood watches while armed. We spoke with crime prevention expert, Lt. Jim Perez, about the dangers of this and why community policing programs need to be part of the solution. (0:00)
  2. A new study says most cancer screenings don’t actually end up extending life. But experts still say you should have them. We spoke with Dr. Vipra Sharma with the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at St. Vincent’s Medical Center. She explained the new study and why screenings are still essential for people. (14:22)
  3. According to national statistics, nine out of ten fears reportedly amount to nothing happening. So, how do we handle fears that we have? Counselor Julius Dudics gave us tips on how to better control fear. (22:17)
  4. Julie on the Job: passive-aggressive messaging. A new report revealed roughly 83% of workers say they’ve received a passive-aggressive email or message at work, while 44% admit to being passive-aggressive. Julie Bauke talked about what phrases to avoid in your next work email. (35:50)

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