Melissa in the Morning: Presumption Bill

Thin Red Line. Black Flag of USA with Firefighter red Line.

Melissa in the Morning: Presumption Bill

It has bi-partisan support but may be stalled again. We tackled the presumption bill which is meant to better protect firefighters when they are diagnosed with cancer. Connecticut is just one of two states without a presumptive law in place. We heard from local firefighters why this needs to pass now. ((00:00))

What are invisible disabilities and how do we handle people diagnosed with them? The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities shared how people with autism, diabetes and other invisible disabilities need to be accommodated at work, in schools and with housing options. ((17:19))

National data shows an average marriage lasts between 7 and 8 years. Marriage coach, Bob Donovan, shared six tips to help stay married longer but also enjoy your union along the way! ((25:48))

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