Melissa in the Morning: Bird Flu Woes

Melissa in the Morning: Bird Flu Woes

The Bird flu has been found in alpacas for the first time. The Department of Agriculture says it’s the latest spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus. It’s the latest worry around a bird flu outbreak nationwide. We talked to Dr. Browne about the news and how bird flu has a trickle down impact on…

Melissa in the Morning: Nightmares and Lupus?

Melissa in the Morning: Nightmares and Lupus?

A new study suggests vivid nightmares could be an early indicator of an autoimmune disease like lupus. Researchers at the University of Cambridge and King’s College London found there was a link between nightmares and the onset of hallucinations in some lupus patients. The researchers found over 60-percent of lupus patients in their survey who…

Melissa in the Morning: Oooh that smell…

Melissa in the Morning: Oooh that smell…

We had a couple major health news stories this week all surrounding smells.New research shows the smell of food cooking is a sign of air pollution.  A new study from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration measured what they called “underappreciated sources” of urban air pollution.  Researchers found that cooking accounts for a nearly a…

Melissa in the Morning: Vaping Study

Melissa in the Morning: Vaping Study

A new study found vaping is tied to an increased risk of lead and uranium exposure in teens ages 13 to 17 who used e-cigarette over a 20-day period. Researchers recommended stronger regulations on vaping.  Another recent study found people who vape are 19-percent more likely to develop heart failure. We got Dr. Browne’s take…

Melissa in the Morning: Tainted Milk and Old Meds

Melissa in the Morning: Tainted Milk and Old Meds

The FDA says samples of milk from grocery stores across the U.S. tested positive for remnants of the bird flu virus that had infected dairy cows. Despite the agency’s confidence that the milk in stores is safe, many people are nervous about buying milk and other dairy products. We asked Dr. Browne about this. And…

Melissa in the Morning: Social Media Rotting the Brain

Melissa in the Morning: Social Media Rotting the Brain

Social media platforms are “not inherently suitable for youth,” say top psychologists, and tech companies and lawmakers need to do more to protect kids’ mental health. The American Psychological Association said Tuesday that endless scrolling and push notifications are particularly risky for young people whose brains are still developing. We asked Dr. Browne about this.…

Melissa in the Morning: Gamers Unite

Melissa in the Morning: Gamers Unite

A new study suggests that teenagers who spend too much on computers and video games may turn psychotic. A new paper published in JAMA Psychiatry says researchers studied over 12-hundred participants who spent a lot of time online as teenagers and found they were up to seven percent more likely than their peers to have…

Melissa in the Morning: Antibiotics in my Chicken???

Melissa in the Morning: Antibiotics in my Chicken???

Chick-Fil-A is going to allow some antibiotics in its food. The fast-food giant announced on its website it will be switching from ” No Antibiotics Ever” to “No Antibiotics Important To Human Medicine.” What does this mean for people consuming these food items? We asked our peace of mind in the medical field, Dr. Fred…

Melissa in the Morning: Paranoia for Children

Melissa in the Morning: Paranoia for Children

This week, we highlighted a new PSA statewide sounding the alarm about illegal cannabis products impacting Connecticut youth. Nationally, a survey funded by the National Institute of Health, alerted the public about more teens experimenting with the psychoactive substance, Delta-8.  We wanted to understand the medical impact on a young body and why these products…

Melissa in the Morning: Measles Vaccines

Melissa in the Morning: Measles Vaccines

This week, the CDC made changes to its measles vaccination guidance for travelers. The agency says any American with plans to travel abroad should speak with their doctor at least six weeks before their trip if they aren’t sure whether they’re up to date on their vaccines. The change comes as we see more upticks…